I will lay your Hedge, Build or repair your Dry stone walling or plant new hedges.

Hedgelaying, Planting, Drystone Walling, Garden features, House stonework, hedgelaying, teaching, illustrated talks, Training in Hedgelaying, Stonework, Drystone Walling

I live and work in the North York Moors area

I'm a qualified hedgelayer and have laid hedges in Ireland, Holland and in the UK. I'm also a drystone waller and have built houses (and walls), garden features, gate entrances in Ireland, Australia and in England.

I've been told I'm a bit of walling and hedgelaying nerd. But I don't mind it because it's normal. Doesn't everyone stop and take pictures of these when they are on holiday?

Some of the site contains my work along with pictures of hedges, walls and walling features from places I've visited. It should be pretty obvious which is my work.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Fylingthorpe - Sunnyside Farm

This wall had collapsed for unknown reasons.  It was on a public footpath and access to the farm as well.  
23 hours later and I had it done.  As per usual several extra bags of fill were needed, which, luckily the owner had put by.  I never did discover why it had all collapsed and fallen into the road side. The foundations were absolutely level. The original builders (The Barry family) had also built the small outhouse you can just see on the right.  The back of the structure was obviously designed to be bonded into the wall as it had projecting stones into the wall.